GCP AI Fundamentals - AIML Series 4 - Feature Engineering


Welcome back to the AIML Series! In this fourth installment, we'll dive deep into Vertex AI Feature Store, explore feature engineering, and cover concepts related to Apache Beam, Dataflow, and TensorFlow. With a blend of wit and information, let's make complex concepts easy to grasp and enjoyable to read.

Vertex AI Feature Store

Terminology and Concepts

  • Feature Store: A centralized repository for managing and serving machine learning features. Think of it as a high-tech pantry where you keep all your ingredients (features) ready for when you need to cook (train your models).
  • Feature: An individual measurable property or characteristic used as input to a model. For example, the age of a house in a real estate model.
  • Entity: The primary object for which features are being stored (e.g., user, product). It’s like the main character in your data story.
  • Feature Value: The actual data point or measurement, such as "35" for the age of a house.
  • Feature Group: A collection of related features. Imagine grouping all your spices together in the pantry.


  • Consistency: Ensures that the same features are used across training and serving, reducing training-serving skew. No more mismatched ingredients!
  • Efficiency: Centralized storage and management streamline feature access and updates. Like having all your spices neatly labeled and organized.
  • Scalability: Handles large-scale feature storage and retrieval, accommodating growing data needs. Perfect for when your cooking show (AI project) becomes a hit and you need to cater to a bigger audience.
  • Reusability: Features can be reused across different models and projects, saving you from reinventing the wheel.

Data Model

  • Feature Set: Collection of features grouped by an entity. It’s like your set of spices for Italian cooking.
  • Timestamp: Tracks the time at which feature values were recorded. Think of it as the freshness date on your ingredients.
  • Metadata: Descriptive information about the feature, such as data type and source. Like having recipe notes for each spice.

Creating and Serving Feature Store

  1. Create Feature Store: Set up a new feature store in the GCP console. It's like opening a new pantry in your kitchen.
  2. Define Feature Sets: Group features by entities and define their schemas. Organize your pantry shelves by cuisine.
  3. Ingest Data: Load feature data into the store, ensuring proper formatting and timestamping. Stock your pantry with fresh ingredients.
  4. Serve Features: Query the feature store to retrieve feature values for model serving. Grab the right ingredients for your recipe.

Overview of Feature Engineering

Good vs. Bad Features

  • Good Features: Relevant, informative, and improve model performance. Think fresh, high-quality ingredients.
  • Bad Features: Irrelevant, redundant, or introduce noise, harming model performance. Like expired or unnecessary spices.

Feature Characteristics

  • Numeric: Features should be numeric to facilitate mathematical operations. Just like precise measurements in cooking.
  • Sufficient Examples: Ensure there are enough examples to capture the feature's variability. Similar to having enough data points to get an accurate flavor profile.

ML vs. Statistics

  • Machine Learning: Focuses on prediction and generalization. It’s like learning to cook new dishes by following recipes and then improvising.
  • Statistics: Emphasizes inference and understanding relationships. More like understanding the chemistry behind cooking.

Basic Feature Engineering

  • Normalization: Scaling features to a standard range. Think of it as ensuring all your measurements are in the same unit (e.g., grams).
  • Encoding: Converting categorical data to numeric format. Like assigning numbers to spice levels (1 for mild, 5 for hot).

Advanced Feature Engineering

  • Polynomial Features: Creating interactions between features. Imagine discovering that a pinch of this and a dash of that together make magic.
  • Dimensionality Reduction: Reducing the number of features while retaining important information. It’s like decluttering your kitchen to keep only the essential tools.

Bucketize and Transform Functions


  • Definition: Dividing continuous variables into discrete buckets. Think of sorting spices into small, medium, and large containers.
  • Example: Grouping ages into age ranges (e.g., 0-10, 11-20). Like organizing ingredients by how often you use them.

Transform Functions

  • Log Transform: Reduces skewness in data. It’s like balancing flavors in a dish.
  • Square Root Transform: Stabilizes variance. Think of it as smoothing out the texture of a sauce.

Predicting Housing Prices

Feature Selection

  • Location: Geographic data of the house. Location, location, location!
  • Size: Square footage or number of rooms. More space usually means more value.
  • Age: Age of the property. Older homes may have more charm but might need more maintenance.

Model Training

  • Data Split: Split data into training and test sets. Like testing recipes in different kitchens.
  • Algorithm: Choose appropriate regression algorithms (e.g., linear regression). Select the right cooking technique for the dish.

Estimate Taxi Fare

Feature Selection

  • Distance: Total trip distance. The longer the ride, the higher the fare.
  • Time of Day: Time at which the trip occurred. Rush hour means more traffic and higher fares.
  • Traffic Conditions: Real-time traffic data. A smooth ride versus a stop-and-go nightmare.

Model Training

  • Data Preprocessing: Clean and preprocess data. It’s like prepping your ingredients before cooking.
  • Algorithm: Use regression or neural network models for fare estimation. Choose the right tool for a perfect dish.

Temporal and Geolocation Features

Temporal Features

  • Time-Based: Features like day of the week, month, season. Time adds flavor to the context.
  • Lag Features: Previous values of a time series. Like knowing yesterday’s sales to predict today’s.

Geolocation Features

  • Latitude and Longitude: Precise location data. The exact coordinates of your ingredients.
  • Distance Metrics: Calculating distances between points. Measure how far your flavors need to travel.

Apache Beam and Dataflow

Terms and Concepts

  • Apache Beam: An open-source unified model for defining both batch and streaming data-parallel processing pipelines. The Swiss army knife for data processing.
  • Dataflow: A fully managed service for executing Apache Beam pipelines. The efficient kitchen staff that gets the job done.

Apache Beam

  • Pipeline: Sequence of steps for processing data. Like a well-organized recipe.
  • PCollection: Distributed data set in Beam. Think of it as the ingredients in your pantry.
  • Transforms: Operations applied to data in the pipeline. The cooking techniques you apply to your ingredients.


  • Autoscaling: Automatically adjusts resources based on workload. Like adding more chefs when the orders pile up.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with GCP services like BigQuery and Pub/Sub. Your kitchen working in harmony with other departments.

TensorFlow: Analyse, Transform, and Serving Phases

Analyse Phase

  • Data Analysis: Understanding data distribution and relationships. Like tasting your ingredients before cooking.
  • Visualization: Using tools like TensorBoard for visualizing data. Seeing how your dish looks before serving.

Transform Phase

  • Feature Engineering: Applying transformations to create useful features. Prepping your ingredients to enhance flavors.
  • Scaling: Normalizing or standardizing data. Making sure everything is in the right proportions.

Serving Phase

  • Model Deployment: Serving models in production environments. Plating your dish and sending it out to the customer.
  • APIs: Providing endpoints for model predictions. The waiters who deliver your dish to the table.


Understanding and leveraging the Vertex AI Feature Store, feature engineering, and tools like Apache Beam, Dataflow, and TensorFlow are crucial for building robust and scalable AI solutions. By focusing on good feature practices and efficient data processing, you can enhance your machine learning models' performance and reliability.

Stay tuned for more insights in our AIML series!


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