GCP AI Fundamentals - AIML Series 7 - Computer Vision

What is Computer Vision?

Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables computers to interpret and understand visual information from the world, mimicking human vision. It uses machine learning and deep learning to process images and videos, performing tasks such as image classification, object detection, and image segmentation.

History of Computer Vision:

  • Early Beginnings: Computer vision began in the late 1950s with early image scanning technology and progressed significantly through the 1960s with the development of algorithms to transform 2D images into 3D forms (IBM - United States) (Wikipedia).
  • Milestones: Key milestones include the introduction of optical character recognition (OCR) in the 1970s and the development of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in the 1980s and 1990s (IBM - United States).
  • Modern Era: The 2000s saw the rise of object recognition and real-time face recognition applications. The 2010s brought about significant improvements with deep learning techniques, notably the success of the AlexNet model in 2012 (IBM - United States).

How Computer Vision Works:

  • Image Processing: It starts with capturing images through sensors. These images are then processed using various algorithms to extract useful information.
  • Machine Learning: Algorithms learn patterns from large datasets of labeled images, enabling the system to recognize and classify new images.
  • Deep Learning: Advanced neural networks, like CNNs, automatically learn and improve feature extraction from images, enhancing accuracy in complex tasks.

Different Types of Computer Vision Problems

  1. Image Classification: Categorizing images into predefined classes, such as identifying whether an image contains a cat or a dog.
  2. Object Detection: Locating and identifying objects within an image, such as detecting cars in a street scene.
  3. Object Tracking: Monitoring objects as they move across frames in a video, useful in applications like surveillance.
  4. Image Segmentation: Partitioning an image into meaningful segments, such as separating the foreground from the background in a photo.


  • Image Classification: Automatically tagging photos on social media platforms.
  • Object Detection: Detecting defects on an assembly line.
  • Object Tracking: Following a soccer ball in a sports broadcast.
  • Image Segmentation: Enhancing image search by isolating objects of interest.

Use Cases of Computer Vision

Computer vision has a wide array of applications across various industries:


  • Medical Imaging: Analyzing X-rays and MRIs for early detection of diseases like cancer.
  • Surgical Assistance: Guiding surgeons during complex procedures.


  • Autonomous Vehicles: Using real-time image recognition to navigate and detect obstacles.
  • Driver Assistance: Monitoring driver behavior to prevent accidents.


  • Crop Monitoring: Assessing crop health and predicting yields using satellite imagery.
  • Pest Detection: Identifying and controlling pest infestations through image analysis.


  • Automated Checkout: Enabling cashier-less stores by recognizing and tallying items in real-time.
  • Inventory Management: Using image recognition to track stock levels and automate restocking.


  • Quality Control: Detecting defects in products on assembly lines.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Identifying machinery issues before they cause failures.


  • Surveillance: Monitoring public spaces for safety and security.
  • Facial Recognition: Identifying individuals in security footage.


  • Sports Analytics: Tracking player movements and analyzing game strategies.
  • Content Creation: Enhancing visual effects in movies and video games.

Vision APIs and Pre-built ML Models

Google Cloud offers several APIs and pre-built models to simplify the implementation of computer vision applications:

Cloud Vision API:

  • Provides powerful image analysis capabilities, including image labeling, face and landmark detection, and OCR.
  • Enables quick and easy integration of image analysis into applications without extensive machine learning expertise.

AutoML Vision:

  • Allows users to train custom machine learning models with minimal coding.
  • Uses Google’s advanced neural architecture search technology to optimize models.
  • Ideal for applications requiring specific image analysis capabilities not covered by the general-purpose Cloud Vision API.

AutoML Vision on Vertex AI

AutoML Vision on Vertex AI offers a streamlined interface for training, evaluating, and deploying custom image models. It simplifies the workflow by automating data preparation, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning.


  • Ease of Use: No extensive coding required, making it accessible to users with varying levels of expertise.
  • Scalability: Supports large datasets and complex models, ensuring robust performance.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other Google Cloud services, enhancing overall efficiency and capabilities.

How Vertex AI Helps in Image Workflow

Vertex AI enhances image workflows by providing tools and services that automate key processes:

  • Automating Model Training and Deployment: Simplifies the entire machine learning pipeline from data preparation to model deployment.
  • Advanced Data Labeling Tools: Facilitates accurate and efficient labeling of large datasets, crucial for training high-quality models.
  • Scalable Infrastructure: Handles large datasets and complex models, ensuring robust performance and scalability for real-world applications.

Which Vision Product is Right for You?

Choosing the right vision product depends on your specific use case and requirements:

  • Cloud Vision API: Best for general-purpose image analysis tasks where pre-trained models suffice.
  • AutoML Vision: Ideal for custom models without deep technical expertise, offering flexibility and ease of use.
  • Vertex AI: Suitable for complex projects requiring advanced customization, scalability, and integration with other Google Cloud services.

Vision APIs and Pre-built ML Models

Google Cloud offers several APIs and pre-built models to simplify the implementation of computer vision applications:

Cloud Vision API:

  • Image Analysis Capabilities: Includes image labeling, face and landmark detection, logo detection, and optical character recognition (OCR).
  • Ease of Integration: Quickly integrate these capabilities into applications without extensive machine learning expertise.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Google provides detailed documentation, tutorials, and examples to help developers get started quickly.

AutoML Vision:

  • Custom Model Training: Allows users to train custom machine learning models with minimal coding. Users can upload their labeled image datasets, and AutoML Vision handles the rest.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Features an intuitive graphical interface that guides users through the process of building, training, and deploying custom models.
  • Automated Model Optimization: Utilizes Google’s advanced neural architecture search technology to automatically optimize the model's architecture and hyperparameters for better performance.

AutoML Vision on Vertex AI

AutoML Vision on Vertex AI provides a streamlined interface for training, evaluating, and deploying custom image models. It simplifies the workflow by automating data preparation, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning.


  • Ease of Use: No extensive coding required, making it accessible to users with varying levels of expertise.
  • Scalability: Supports large datasets and complex models, ensuring robust performance.
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other Google Cloud services, enhancing overall efficiency and capabilities.

Using AutoML Vision on Vertex AI:

  1. Data Preparation: Upload and label your image data using Vertex AI's integrated data labeling service.
  2. Model Training: Choose a training method, and AutoML Vision automatically selects the optimal model architecture and hyperparameters.
  3. Model Evaluation: Assess the performance of the trained model using Vertex AI's evaluation tools.
  4. Deployment: Deploy the model to the cloud or edge devices with a few clicks, making it available for real-time image analysis.

How Vertex AI Helps in Image Workflow

Vertex AI enhances image workflows by providing tools and services that automate key processes:

Automating Model Training and Deployment:

  • End-to-End Solutions: Vertex AI provides a comprehensive suite of tools for managing the entire machine learning lifecycle, from data preparation to model deployment.
  • Continuous Training: Supports continuous training and model updates to ensure that models remain accurate and up-to-date as new data becomes available.

Advanced Data Labeling Tools:

  • Integrated Labeling Services: Offers tools for efficiently labeling large datasets, including support for collaborative labeling and automated suggestions.
  • High-Quality Annotations: Ensures that labeled data is accurate and consistent, improving the quality of the trained models.

Scalable Infrastructure:

  • Cloud Scalability: Leverages Google Cloud’s scalable infrastructure to handle large datasets and complex models.
  • Efficient Resource Management: Automatically allocates resources based on the needs of the training and inference processes, optimizing cost and performance.

Which Vision Product is Right for You?

Choosing the right vision product depends on your specific use case and requirements:

  • Cloud Vision API: Best for general-purpose image analysis tasks where pre-trained models suffice.
  • AutoML Vision: Ideal for custom models without deep technical expertise, offering flexibility and ease of use.
  • Vertex AI: Suitable for complex projects requiring advanced customization, scalability, and integration with other Google Cloud services.

Introduction to Linear Models

Linear models form the basis of many machine learning algorithms, predicting outputs by fitting a linear relationship between input variables and the target variable.

Key Concepts:

  • Linear Regression: Predicts the output variable as a linear combination of input variables.
  • Logistic Regression: Used for binary classification problems, predicting the probability that a given input belongs to a certain class.
  • Applications in Image Classification: Linear models can serve as a baseline for image classification tasks, providing a simple yet effective approach to categorizing images.

Reading the Data and Implementing Linear Models

  1. Data Preprocessing: Ensures consistent input for the model by cleaning, normalizing, and transforming the data as needed.
  2. Model Training: Uses labeled data to fit the model to the data, adjusting the parameters to minimize the error between the predicted and actual outputs.
  3. Evaluation: Tests the model's performance on unseen data to validate its accuracy and generalizability.

Neural Networks and Deep Neural Networks for Image Classification

Neural networks, particularly deep neural networks, are pivotal in advancing image classification. These networks consist of interconnected layers of nodes, mimicking the human brain's structure to learn patterns from large datasets.

Neural Networks:

  • Architecture: Comprises an input layer, hidden layers, and an output layer. Each node, or neuron, processes inputs and passes them through an activation function to produce an output.
  • Learning Process: Involves adjusting weights and biases through backpropagation to minimize the error between the predicted and actual outputs.

Deep Neural Networks:

  • Multiple Layers: Feature many hidden layers that enable the network to learn complex patterns and representations from raw data.
  • Improved Performance: Excel in tasks requiring high-level feature extraction, such as image classification, by progressively capturing intricate details across layers.

Key Techniques:

  • Dropout: Regularization technique that randomly drops neurons during training to prevent overfitting and improve generalization.
  • Batch Normalization: Normalizes the inputs of each layer to stabilize and accelerate training by reducing internal covariate shift 

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

CNNs are a type of deep neural network specifically designed for processing structured grid data like images. They leverage convolutional layers to automatically learn spatial hierarchies of features.

Understanding Convolutions:

  • Convolutional Layers: Apply a series of filters to the input image, creating feature maps that highlight various aspects like edges, textures, and shapes.
  • Pooling Layers: Reduce the spatial dimensions of the feature maps, retaining essential features while reducing computational complexity.

Implementing CNNs on Vertex AI:

  • Data Preparation: Involves resizing, normalizing, and augmenting images to create a robust training dataset.
  • Model Training: Utilizes Vertex AI's scalable infrastructure to handle large datasets and complex models, ensuring efficient training and high performance.
  • Evaluation and Deployment: Includes tools for evaluating model accuracy and deploying the trained model to cloud or edge environments for real-time inference.

Dealing with Image Data

Effective handling of image data is crucial for training accurate and reliable models. Key considerations include preprocessing, managing data scarcity, data augmentation, and transfer learning.

Preprocessing Techniques:

  • Resizing and Normalization: Ensures consistent input dimensions and scales pixel values to a standard range, improving model convergence.
  • Data Augmentation: Involves applying random transformations like rotations, flips, and shifts to artificially increase the size and diversity of the training dataset.

Addressing Data Scarcity:

  • Data Augmentation: Generates additional training samples from the available dataset, enhancing model robustness.
  • Transfer Learning: Utilizes pre-trained models on large datasets, adapting them to specific tasks with minimal additional training. This approach saves time and computational resources while leveraging existing knowledge.

Importance of Model Parameters:

  • Hyperparameter Tuning: Involves adjusting parameters like learning rate, batch size, and number of epochs to optimize model performance.
  • Regularization Techniques: Techniques like dropout and weight decay help prevent overfitting and ensure the model generalizes well to new data. 

Dealing with Image Data

Effective handling of image data is crucial for training accurate and reliable models. Key considerations include preprocessing, managing data scarcity, data augmentation, and transfer learning.

Preprocessing Techniques:

  • Resizing and Normalization: Ensures consistent input dimensions and scales pixel values to a standard range, improving model convergence.
  • Data Augmentation: Involves applying random transformations like rotations, flips, and shifts to artificially increase the size and diversity of the training dataset.

Addressing Data Scarcity:

  • Data Augmentation: Generates additional training samples from the available dataset, enhancing model robustness.
  • Transfer Learning: Utilizes pre-trained models on large datasets, adapting them to specific tasks with minimal additional training. This approach saves time and computational resources while leveraging existing knowledge.

Importance of Model Parameters:

  • Hyperparameter Tuning: Involves adjusting parameters like learning rate, batch size, and number of epochs to optimize model performance.
  • Regularization Techniques: Techniques like dropout and weight decay help prevent overfitting and ensure the model generalizes well to new data.


Understanding computer vision and its integration with GCP’s AI/ML services opens up numerous possibilities for innovation across various sectors. Leveraging tools like Cloud Vision API, AutoML Vision, and Vertex AI can help developers build robust and scalable image analysis applications that drive real-world impact.

By following best practices in data preprocessing, model training, and deployment, you can harness the power of computer vision to create intelligent solutions that address complex problems in healthcare, automotive, agriculture, retail, and beyond.


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